Sep 15, 2005 14:59
name:: Amanda
nickname:: Midge, Shorty, Da Chort, munchkin, Little One
birthday:: August 12, 1984
birthplace:: St. Louis, Missouri
current mood:: hungry
current taste:: caesar salad
current hair:: up in a pony tail
current clothes:: green tee, jeans, flip flops
current annoyance:: no one has unloaded the dishwasher yet. And I still have to go to the gym and I want chinese food.
current smell:: salad
current thing you ought to be doing:: cleaning and doing laundry
current desktop picture:: homestarrunner "seriously"
current favorite band:: Breaking Benjamin
current book:: none right now
current cd in stereo:: in my car....breaking benjamin
current crush:: meh...
current favorite celeb:: no clue
smoke:: camel lights if i feel like it
drugs:: drugs are for losers
have a dream that keeps coming back:: i can never remember them!
remember your first real love:: yea, he sent me a message on myspace this week after not talking to eachother for over 6 years
still love them:: definitely not
read the newspaper:: does count?
have any gay or lesbian friends:: who doesn't?
believe in miracles:: sure
believe it's possible to remain faithful forever:: definitely, just gotta find the right person
consider yourself tolerant of others:: pretty much
consider love a mistake:: love is never a mistake unless you make it one
like the taste of alcohol:: oh yea
have a favorite candy:: milky way midnight. ::drool::
believe in astrology:: uhm, nah
believe in magic:: doubtful
believe in God:: sure
have any pets:: kitty at home, and fish here
got to or plan to go to college:: already there and lovin every minute of it...except the going to class part
have any piercings:: belly, ears, cartilage....used to have my tongue pierced
have any tattoos:: not yet....
hate yourself:: no, but there are things i do or say or dont do and say that i dislike <~~well put! ditto
have an obsession:: actually, no...
have a secret crush:: ::sigh:: not really
do they know yet:: if there's no one to know, then no!
have a best friend:: more than one
wish on stars:: shooting stars yea!
care about looks:: to an extent, it's not just looks, it's a combination of things that make people beautiful
love life:: does sex count into a love life? nah, i didn't think no!
first kiss:: way too young
single or taken:: single
ever been in love:: yuh
do you believe in love at first sight:: to an extent
describe your ideal significant other:: ugh, too much writing for that
club or house party:: house cuz it would be cheaper hopefully
beer or cider:: beer
drinks or shots:: both!
cats or dogs:: leaning towards dogs
single or taken:: gah, SINGLE!! way to rub it in! j/k ;P
pen or pencil:: pen
gloves or mittens:: mittens, so cute and unpractical
food or candy:: food
cassette or cd:: CD...what is this question from the 90's?
have you ever.
dated one of your best friends:: nah
loved somebody so much it made you cry:: yuh
drank alcohol:: yuh
done drugs:: pot
broken the law: possibly
run away from home:: yea, but only made it down the block!
broken a bone:: nope, i drank my milk!
played truth or dare:: yuh
kissed someone you didn't know:: yuh
been in a fight:: verbal yea, physical, probably
come close to dying:: there was that one time with the snake...
the most embarrassing cd in your collection:: Ashlee Simpson
what is your bedroom like:: furniture, junk, clothes, etc.
your favorite thing for breakfast:: bagel with cream cheese, toasted!
last person you.
talked to:: Amanda---haha, i didn't have to change that one!
IMed:: Beatrice
hugged:: Ian
kissed:: Jason
had a serious conversation with:: I tend to stay away from those
yelled at:: probably vinny
befriended:: some random people at Ian's probably
random questions.
what`s on your bedside table:: well, it's my desk, so crap crap and more crap...and a computer
what do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night:: water...
what is your secret guaranteed weeping movie:: there are none
if you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done:: Boobehs
what feature are you most insecure about:: thighs
do you ever have to beg:: ha, no
are you a pyromaniac:: when trying to light cigarettes yea...fucking lighters
do you know anyone famous:: i'm related to blue from Old School...grandfather's cousin
describe your bed:: full size, blue comforter, lots of pillows. comfy
spontaneous or plain:: spontanaety rocks---ditto
do you know how to play poker:: i wish
what do you carry with you at all times:: phone, keys, wallet
how do you drive:: fast
what do you miss most about being little:: being carefree
how much money would it take to get you to give up the internet for a year:: why??
what color is your bedroom:: white, with random posters and pictures
what was the last song you were listening to: Breaking Benjamin "Sooner or Later"
do you talk a lot:: yes
do you like yourself and believe in yourself:: pretty much
do you think you're cute:: yea, that's usually the word people use
do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you:: homeless yea
do people in general annoy you:: yes
pick a word that describes you best:: fun-lovin..does that count?