Apr 11, 2005 20:11
tantisimo ha pasado since i updated this fool thing. i went to mexico w/ my church. the trip was AMAZING and i met some awesome people and tried to be the hands of Christ with them and learned so much. I loved it, it was life-changing. On the last night in the villages, we were all so sad to be leaving. All the girls piled into this white cargo van, sitting on the floor since there were no seats, like at least 12 of us smashed in there. and we were all sad, and sitting there in the darn cargo van in the dust, and we all started singing amazing grace. we eventually drove back to our base in real vans, and we sang the whole way home. we sang disney songs and worship songs in spanish and english. we marched back into camp singing "i've got a friend" at the tops of our lungs. we ate good cheap tacos, made misshapen tortillas, gave 45647364769798274876325476 papoochies, practiced our spanish, laughed, cried, sang, knitted, gave testimonies, and overall had a grand old time. i'm so grateful God gave us the opportunity. i really miss it, i want to be back there with pancha and angelitas and sra ramirez and everyone. wahh. uhm, and since then i got a volvo that is fabulous, saw the beloved lb, went to a lame dance, played a lot of volleyball, got sick, got owned by a precalc test, etc, etc. yeah. so mexicali pretty much was the best EVORR. you should ALL go next year. ok, i love you!