May 14, 2004 01:51
today was awesome! nancy came in town....i bought MAC's new collection of cosmetics...and ya we ahve big plans for tomorrow! (test driving cars we could never!)we just saw Godsend. the whole time we talked about sex. at one part nancy happen to be paying attention to the movie adn she screamed out loud then turned around and asked the fellow movie goers if they are enjoying themslves. lol God bless her! we are about to watch PI. it is directed by darren aronofsky, the same guy that directed requiem for a dream. the man is absolutely BRILLIANT! so ya see yall lata!
NANCY's quote of the day.....
" *in a whisper voice during the movie...* robin....hey...guess what ..."what?"....before i met you i had oral sex in mickle 114." i then stood and applauded. damn she is one up..
(yes i got her permission to say im not being mean...