Mar 14, 2007 18:29
Well, me.
A "to do" list!
To Do (by the end of spring break, which would be Sunday hitting Monday at midnight)
at least 4 pieces of art
1 mostly down, at least 3 to go (twas originally 10, having to scale back due to
lack of necessary comp programming)
an assload of physics
I've done a bit, I swear!
shopping? prom?
right, so this is more like something I want to do rather than need to...
English research paper at least the research...and I think I may have to do notecards or something retarded...
as if I won't bullshit it like everything else I write for that class
refinish a bookshelf and then put it in my room and put books on it
Saturday is auditions (fingers crossed I have to get permission!!!), Patrick's birthday and housewarming party
clean the shit (ahem, dirt) off The Shit
And since Saturday's almost a certain total dud, that leaves me 1,2,3 days! oh boy...72 hours to get all this done (well, more like 76, but eh...)
better get busy - no sleep for me!
ciao y'all