Mar 25, 2007 00:12
I havent actually updated with anything other then dreams for a while, so Ill continue the trend. I had a dream where I was having a round table discussion with Bill Murray, the guy who played Bulldog on Fraiser, a man who was dressed like the Pope(but it wasnt the Pope) and Michael Keaton. The topics were silly in nature but I dont remember specifics cause I had it a few days ago.
In real news.
I got a job at Clara's. Im a cook. I make pizza, ribs, calzones, meatloaf and other various items. I like it. It makes me think back to my senior year of highschool when I cooked at Salt River. The people I work with are nice enough, although a bit weird at times and not anyone I probably hang out with outside of work sans Gabe and Eric. I sliced my hand up pretty good today and have burned myself on numerous occasions but I guess that comes with the terrority. Sunday will be my 9th straight day of work which sucks but im making some money at least, which ill need for wedding tuxedos and gifts and other things of that nature. Its a little frusterating only working a few ours each day though. Id rather work an 8 hour day twice a week then 2 four hour days. Oh well.
Politics aggrevates me as usual. I dont know everything about the firing of the federal prosecutors. No one does really except the White House probably. What what I do know it looks very shady and given the level of credibility that the President has, I have no reason to believe they werent fired for political reasons. The fact that in the documents uncovered there is no mention of what specificly wrong they did bothers me. Also if you have nothing to hide, then why not testify under oath. I know its a lot like pleading the 5th, and how you cant really assume guilt legally in that case but still. Its all pretty lame to me.
The Scooter Libby shit bothers me too, a lot. He lied under oath and other crap which he should be prosecuted for. But the problem is that that act of releasing her name was part of a bigger plan to make a case for this war, which I loath.
I think about war a lot and it depresses me beyond belief. I wonder if man will ever stop fighting. I doubt it. There is nothing more beautiful then dying for a purpose. This war has no purpose and thus each death is ugly. And its that ugly death that Americans dont see but desperately need to. Each and every people in this country, every night, should see the faces of each solider and civilian that has died fighting this stupid war. We need to see. We need to. We need to see how bloody and horrible war can be.
The issue is that when wars are fought using technology and the loss of life is shielded from the populus, we treat war as a game. It is scary to think about. I wonder if a war that was so great it would engulf the world would change our perceptions on war. But then I think of WWII and how we dropped a nuke on Japan causing massive deaths instantly but also countless more throughout the years. And I think that if that sort of death and destruction doesnt turn the world off to war, then nothing will. And so man will be resigned to fight meaningless battles against worthless enemies for the rest of human history. And it makes me sad. It makes me sad that worthless people are making worthless decisions. I makes me sad knowing there are people that die every day for our country when our country doesnt support them.
Its interesting that for the most part Republicans are the party that gets military support in elections. I hope thats not the case anymore. If the White House really supported the soldiers, and not its own agenda, then we wouldnt be there at all.