Aug 03, 2004 14:17
I feel wierd. I don't even feel like writing in here right now. Yet I find myself doing it. THinks are looking up. Im quitting my job at AMC, next Monday and Wednesday are my last days. I'm so excited to not have a job during school, because I should be way busy! And I want to have A's in all my classes, even the AP ones. I'm excited for school because then I can see everyone everyday! And I can be all involved and start getting ready to apply for college. I can't wait til then.
Today is my sister's 14th birthday! Man how these years fly by! Dang. haha
I guess that's all, for now, I might edit this later on today when I'm more up to writing in here.
"Well sooner of later this cold
it's gonna break
so our hands will be warm again,
*+*but all I want is not to need you now*+*
And sooner or later this code
it's gonna break
& our words will be heard again,
*+*but all I want are vows of silence now*+*"