Another Cute Benny-Man Quote

Mar 05, 2006 21:36

Benny-Man: The Sun is the hottest thing in the world right Seth?
Seth: Not exactly. It's not in the world
Benny-Man: But it's in the sky!
Seth: Go watch some TV.

Oh and:

What could be more awesome. That fits my description
And I was kidding about telling Benny-man to watch TV.

I discovered the coolest thing known to man, of which some of you have been told (numerous times?):
You can download Wikipedia.
That's right all of Wikipedia.
You can download just the articles (not including updates) at about 1 gig. Note: This is in a super compressed format, after uncompressing it's 20-100 times that size.
You can also download the pictures at about 80 gig's downloaded.
You can also download the articles and all the version updates for about 4 gigs.
You could mirror wikipedia for about 85 gigs compressed, Isn't that awesome.

And people are working on putting that on your iPod.
Imagine having Wikipedia on your iPod.
You: Hey, Nixon wasnt born in Antarctica, he was born on an airplane over New Mexico.
Them: Nuh-uh!
You: Uh-huh!
(Repeat 100 times)
You: See right here on wikipedia it says he was!

Apparently you can also put linux on your iPod.
So totaling all this up, I could host A wikipedia mirror on my ipod. How cool is that?
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