
May 01, 2011 13:54

Character Name: Hatate Himekaidou
Character Journal: googledthat
Series: Touhou Project
Dormitory/Residence> North Quad; Room 602

Brief Description: Hatate is eager, outgoing, and fiercely competitive. Her life is reporting the facts, facts, and nothing but the facts. She tends to disregard personal space but she will begrudgingly respect if your character chooses to keep a good scoop from her prying hands. Won't stop her from asking a million times, though. She takes a special interest in humanitarian issues and has a bit of a 'social justice' thing going on as well.

Hatate also comes off as a bossy arrogant know it all but she actually cares a lot about the 'underdog' so to say. Likely to buddy up with the shy kid in the corner or the person with as big of a hero complex as she has. She's also just as likely to call your character out if they're being a douchebag or a bully though she's more likely to write an article calling you out than using her fists in anyway. Hatate hates violence and believes everything can be solved with words.

What clubs are you in/sponsor? Hatate is the president of the Journalism club.

What classes do you attend? Techniques and Secrets of Journalistic Success taught by Mr Keats
Separating Truth from Fiction taught by Mr Keats

What CR are you looking for? Anything. Chances are she knows your character because she has at one point harassed them for an interview.

It's also important that Hatate not have a lot of friends but a few friends here and there would be nice. True friendship is not necessary as the girl seems to be destined to be foreveralone.jpg but building up to a more soild friendship would be cool.

Also, someday, I would like Hatate to get a boyfriend/girlfriend and if we choose to go with the latter I want Hatateto go through all of that coming out drama that is associated with high school same sex couples. Once again, this would be future planning...

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