Jan 11, 2005 22:31
B a s i c s:
1. Name: Nicholas John Kraft
2. Single or Taken: Taken
3. Sex: Male
4. Birthday: September 10, 1987
6. Siblings: 4 sisters, 2 step-sisters
7. Hair color: Red
8. Eye color: Blue
9. Shoe size: 12
10.Height: 5'8
R e l a t i o n s h i p s:
1. Who is your best friend?: Ryan Schoenherr
2. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes
3. How long have you been together?: Almost 4 months
F a s h i o n S t u f f:
1. Where is your favorite place to shop: Walmart, Khols
2. Any tattoos or piercings: 1 ear piercing and 1 tattoo
S p e c i f i c s:
1. Do you do drugs?: No
2. What kind of shampoo do you use?: Whatever is there
3. What are you most scared of?: Leaving behind my friends and family
5. Who is the last person that called you?: Stephanie
6. Where do you want to get married?: In a Catholic Church
7. How many buddies are online right now?: 24
8. What would you change about yourself?: My size (Not penis size)
F a v o r i t e s:
1. Color: Blue
2. Food: Not sure
3. Boys names: Raymond
4. Girls names: Dont have one
5. Subjects in school: Lunch and girls
6. Animals: Dogs
7. Sports: Hockey, Football
H a v e Y o u E v e r:
1. Given anyone a bath?: Yup...
2. Smoked?: No
3. Bungee jumped?: No
4. Made yourself throw up?: No
5. Skinny dipped?: HELL YEAH :)
6: Ever been in love?: Yes
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No
8. Pictured your crush naked?: Hell Yes
9. Actually seen your crush naked?: Yes
10. Cried when someone died?: Yes
11. Lied: All the time
12. Fallen for your best friend?: No
13. been Rejected? More than I can count
14. Rejected Someone? Yes
15. Used someone? Not sure, but probably
16. Done something you regret? Many times
C u r r e n t:
clothes: Athletic pants and a A-Shirt (Wife Beater)
hair: Fade chopped
music: Whiskey Lullaby
make-up: None
annoyance: Nothing
smell: I dont know what that smell is...
favorite group: Metallica
desktop picture: Some kinda warp zone thingy...
book youre reading: Dont read books
in cd player: Adam Sandler
Dvd player? Bill Engval Stand Up
color of toenails: The color I was born with...
L a s t P e r s o n:
you touched: Jeff (Handshake)
hugged: Stephanie
you imed: Aaron
you yelled at: My sister Angela
you kissed: Stephanie
A r e Y o u:
understanding: I guess...
open-minded: Sometimes
arrogant: Dont know
insecure: Yes
interesting: U tell me
random: Yes, and I love it
hungry: A little bit
smart: Common Sense smart, yes. Book Smart: Hell No
moody: Yes
hard working: VERY
organized: More than you know
healthy: Yeah
shy: Hell No
difficult: Everyday
attractive: I dont think so but...
bored easily: Not really. Im easily ammused
messy: Nope
obsessed: With some things
R a n d o m:
In the morning i am: "Dont talk to me in the morning or you will get it"
all i need is: My friends
love is: Great, when it doesnt hurt
i dream about: Weird shit
O p p o s i t e S e x:
what do you notice first: LIPS!!
last person you slow danced with: Sara
worst question to ask: Are you horney???? we all know the answer to that
who do you have a crush on: Stephanie
who has a crush on you: How the hell would I know?
D o Y o u E v e r:
sit on the net all night waiting for someone special to come on? Used to
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Hell yeah, I want to know what it's like to be a female. To see whats soo bad.
wish you were younger: Fuck no
cried because someone said something to you?: No, cried because I got my heart broken!
N u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: Once but I dont blame her!
of hearts i have broken: i dont know...
of girls ive kissed: I dont wanna sit here and count all those.
of guys i kissed: Im going to have to say NONE!
of continents i have lived in: One.
of tight friends:I would say 3
of cds i own: Like 2
of scars on my body: Too many to count!
F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s:
1. do you like filling these out?: Yeah cuz im fucking bored
2. gold or silver: Silver
3. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: White Noise
7. favorite cartoon/anime?: Bugs Bunny
8. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: Nothing
10. who would you love being locked in a room with right now?: Myself
11. could you live without your computer? Yes
12. would you color your hair? Yes
13. could you ever get off the computer?: Yes
14. habla espanol? Si
15. how many people are on your buddy list?: 72
16. drink alcohol?. When im not driving!
17. When was the last time you made plans? Today
Favorite animal: Dogs
Favorite book: Dont read
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper
Favorite flower: White Rose
Favorite food: What ever I am in the mood for
Favorite movie: Liar Liar (If you dont know that then you dont know me)
Favorite painter: That one old hairy guy that you see on t.v.!
Favorite smell: Axe
Favorite song: Letters From Home by John Micheal Montgomery
Favorite writer: You have to be kidding
4 Bad Habits
1. Getting upset too quickly and for bad reasons
2. Holding grudges
3. Not appreciating what I have
4 Friends
1. Ryan
2. Stephanie
3. Jeanette
4. AaronM
4 Things Somebody Reading This Might Not Know
1. I am cheesey and like bubble baths
2. I can fight though no one believes it
3. I used to be apart of a fight club
4 Things You Are Worrying About
1. Something I cant say
2. Money
3. Army
4 Things You Bought Recently
1. Food
2. Gas
3. Clothes
4. Movies
4 Things You Did Today
1. Went to work
2. Went to the bathroom
3. Took a shower
4. Shaved