the challenge of a shower.

Jun 22, 2007 19:25

this is my ode to dorm room showering. the co-edness of it all. the messiness. the inconvenience. here is why i hate showering in my nice, comfortable home shower:
1. water temperature. showering in the dorms was like a race against time, you had to move fast because you never knew when the hot water would start to wear out. and then, once it did, you would have to time it right with shaving your legs so that you could turn the shower head to cold and point it away from you to conserve the warmness for the end of your shower.
2. "the dance". the four square feet of area combined with the fear of touching the walls or the shower curtain that would inevitably creep toward you made for some interesting moves. shaving your legs added a whole new level of difficulty too.
3. the drains. toward the end of the year, the drains somehow decided that they had had enough! and they went on strike. so the last few showers were accompanied by standing in 3 inches of your own sweat and dirt. yum.
4. the quickies. i dunno about anyone else, but there were a few times where i just really needed to shave my pits or a spot on my legs that i had missed in my previous shower. so i would either have to choose between half soaking myself and balancing on the ledge of the shower to get a certain spot or using the sink and risking being walked in on by some random asian neighb. fun stuff.
5. the walk back. after the shower, my robe always seemed shorter, by shoes always squeeked louder, and there was always the chance that same awk asian neighbor would stop and talk to you in the hall for half an hour while a puddle formed beneth you. then you would inevitably drop your keys and have to figure out how to pick those up safely.
6. showering at the same time as the roomie :)
so i seriously miss all of these things, and showering is just not fun anymore. theres no challenge, i like a good challenge. all you do is get in, enjoy the warm, spacious, luxury of your own shower and then dry off normally. wheres the fun in that? i dont get it, i just dont see it anymore.
RIP coed showers beard lower 4th.
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