(no subject)

Feb 16, 2008 15:51

Okay, so Steve Gerber, comic book writer responsible for Howard the Duck, died last Sunday. I don't know too much about Howard the Duck, but the cover of the comic looks hilarious and I would probably enjoy it, seeing as I like ducks and dodgy humor.

Apparently, not everyone feels the same way as I.

"pfg131 03:19:49 PM Feb 16 2008

Report This! Howard the Duck was a sick and stupid Movie! In the name of God you ignorant people! It also encouraged beastialty! A humand having relations with a Duck! Of all the perverted things you can encourage, Humans, Mankind having relations with an animal or other foreign entities. Gerber is face to face with God now, and I am sure he is answering to it! Was he a believer? judging by this Movie he was not! Did he finally see the light and accept Jesus as his Lord and saviror? I guess where ever you end up, you will see him also. See the light people, for you are living in darkness!
John 3:16"

I don't want to have this knee-jerk reaction when people start talking about Jesus, but people who rain fire, brimstone, and zealous stupidity down upon anyone who deigns to give an OPINION sure aren't helping. I'm trying to accept EVERYONE. And bigots like these are giving me a run for my money.

Dammit, I want to accept everyone. Christianity isn't BAD! I was RAISED Christian, and I still follow many of the tenets of that faith...but somewhere along the line the hypocrisy, sanctimony and condemnation nuked the good feeling.
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