OK so this is going to be the best post ever. READ + COMMENT

Mar 15, 2006 20:50

Alright Here's how the past few days have been giong.

Friday-I skipped school and went shopping with my mom and bought some new clothes! woo hoo (I know you're jealous)It was also my dad's Birthday and Hannah came over, then slept over.

Saturday-Hannah went home and I layed around all day, then Hannah came back

Sunday-I went over to Dakota's house, and Sydney, Dakota, and I jumped on her trampoline, then went to Sydney's. Derrik*SP bought a pizza and brought it over, we only ate half of it, so we put the other half in the road and watched cars go by and squish them! Yea EXCITING

Monday- School
Saturday- Going to Jake's game with Shelly, and she'll probably sleep over! ♥
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