(no subject)

Dec 23, 2005 19:05

Hewitt observes today as Christmas Eve holiday. Except for about 30 people across the people who had to come in and 10 of them where on my floor. Of course me being the last one to leave. Stuck here till 8pm. But I can't complain too much. I get my regular day for today plus holiday pay. so it equals like double time and a half or something fun like that. Plus i got to eat yummy cheesecake and got a way random email from laurelfecko and that made me smile.

I have had a couple real good conversations lately about the holiday. It bugs me that people give gifts out of obligation. So I can kind of understand giving only at Christmas and Birthdays cause lets face it the world we live in has become so fast paced that we need holidays to remind us to stop and say "hey I care about you". I try to be a random gift giver. I never want the other person to feel they have to get me something just because I got them. Plus it seems to mean so much more when it is unexpected. Sometimes  practicing random acts of kindness can mean the world.

I am not the type that expects to get any gifts. I guess growing up in a family that had its financial challenges helped me learn that. Sure I like anyone else enjoy getting gifts but I don't expect that and am shocked when something does come my way.I am horrible at spending money on myself but not so bad at randomly spending on others when I have the funds to do so and that is simply because it makes me happy to see those I canre about smile or light up.

So I have no plans for Christmas day. Christmas Eve I will be with the Burketts and church that night with my mommy. But Christmas day no plans...well other then cleaning and preparing for Christmas. My mom's siblings are coming to have Christmas at my house on the 26th. It will be the first holiday together since my grandmother passed away and the first big family event at my house so I am excited and nervous at the same time. I just wish my cousin would of called me back saying that himand his family were coming but no such luck.

So the other day I saw this article in the paper. It really touched me and some others I shared it with so I thought I would pass it on

I was in a grumbly mood the other night -- no doubt because of those wonderful, subtle and annoying jewelry commercials on television ("Buy her a diamond pendant for Christmas, and you can be a jerk for the other 364 days of the year!"). I know that I'm not getting a diamond anything for Christmas. This is true for most of the women I know.

Then I realized that this season is not about me or having a sensitive man in my life who might actually have a clue as to what women want. Instead, it's about the birth of Jesus. That's all. One simple statement: Christmas = the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
It's not about getting gifts or standing in line at Circuit City for 17 hours (are you kidding me?) for the latest electronic gizmo (already obsolete!), but it's about giving. And it's not about the giving of things; it's about giving of your heart. Giving of your time. Giving forgiveness and peace. Giving hope. Giving of yourself.

It's about calling up relatives or friends or elderly neighbors and letting them talk about anything they like -- the big payback being that they trust you enough to share with you their feelings, hopes, dreams, fears or even a story from their past. That's treasure.

It's about giving forgiveness to someone who has ripped your heart out -- whether it was 20 years ago or 20 days ago. It's about letting go of all the past hurts and going bravely forward into the future with hope in your heart. It's about teaching your children values.

Trust me, the world will not come to an end if your children don't come to the dinner table slack-jawed and with eyes more glazed than the ham because they've been playing video games for 14 hours straight.

And if you're feeling down because your life doesn't even remotely resemble a Publix commercial complete with turkey, candles and appropriately dressed non-tattooed relatives, well . . . neither does mine.

Maybe it's time to turn off the TV and go for a walk. Walk into the nearest church and just sit quietly and talk to God. The good thing about talking to God is that there isn't anything that He hasn't seen or heard. He isn't going to throw His hands up in horror or gasp in astonishment. More likely, He will speak to you, and it will sound something like this: "Well, of course you've messed up your life, you silly nitwit. Why do you think I sent my Son into the world? You are only human, after all."

So take a little time this season to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Close your wallet and open your heart. You'll be glad you did.

Well I hope everyone has a very Happy and Safe weekend.  GO KNIGHTS!!!!!

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