>sniff<...>SNIFFFFFFFFF<...you smell that? its bullshit.

Feb 12, 2004 22:54

im sick of people bullshitting all the time.  i mean, i cant expect everyone to just stop their bullshit all at once, since we all know this would result in the systematic implosion of the universe...but man, people do it over tiny little insignificant things and im fucking sick of it.

for one thing, when people say "i'm sorry" when they dont mean it is driving me insane.  theres only a few reasons to apologize, reasons like "oh man...i didnt think that gun was loaded...heres your...your foot back...sorry" or "yeah...sorry that i didnt tell you i had herpes until after i rammed my cock inside you..."   reasons like "oh im sorry youre having a bad day" or "sorry i forgot to call you" are bullshit.  youre not sorry for shit like that and you know it.  my having a bad day doesnt make you feel bad, you asshole, and i know it.  your patronizing apology just made it worse.  thanks dipshit.  people have to quit saying theyre sorry unless they really are.  if you say youre sorry for something and then do it again and again repeatedly then you probably arent really sorry now are you?  just admit that youre not sorry for what an asshole you are and let it go.  that would be much less irritating than you trying to bullshit people into thinking you regret being the dick that you are.

another thing, stop asking me how my day has been.  it was shitty.  you know it was shitty.  you also know im going to say "fine" because i dont want your fake sympathy.  from now on, skip asking me this bullshit question and assume the answer is "my day was shitty."  you dont care anyway fucker so why even ask?

another problem is people not giving straight answers.  mostly people wont give the reasons they do things, and its annoying as hell.  once i had a friend stay late at some bullshit volunteer work thing for a school program (volunteering is bullshit too, mostly because its usually mandatory) and i asked him why he did it.  he said something like "oh...there was...someone...i wanted to meet...that i...had not met before..."  and of course, i replied "so...how hot was she?"  thats not the best example but i think it gives the picture.  people replying "i dont know" when asked for the reasoning behind the actions they take that pisses me off.  you do know jerk, you just dont want to say.  WELL THEN SAY THAT.  say "i dont want to tell you" not "i dont know" because you do  know and i fucking know you know.  theres always a reason you do the dumb shit that you do, so stop beating around the bush and tell the truth, that youre a human being and you do stupid things for stupid reasons.

from now on, im not taking it any more.  if you bullshit me, im going to call you on it.  be warned.

bullshit bullshit bullshit...
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