Dec 06, 2007 20:09
is earwax buildup. I have such little ear canals that I get a lot of buildup of earwax and wearing hearing aids causes the buildup, too. ugh.
I went to Bill Wilkerson this afternoon so that I could get new earmolds made. Can't. Too much wax. Damnit. I knew I should have gotten mom to clean my ears but it's hard to get over there sometimes (and I can't do them by myself). I want to do it this weekend (since I have to be sorta in the area on Sunday) but I just don't have time for it. Each ear to do is 15 mins with the drops plus however many minutes it takes to flush out. Sometimes, I have to do each ear 2-3 times. Last time we did this, my left ear canal became very red and irritated. And when the audiologist put the cotton in my ear plus the mold, my ear was so agitated that when she pulled it out after the mold had set, my ear started bleeding. Oh it was so painful too. At any rate, I can't do it this weekend.. I have my final that I have to study for. I have Monday and Tuesday off. I took Friday and Monday off last time for the midterm. I wanted to take Friday, Monday, AND Tuesday off this time, but today was a coworker's 21st birthday and she won't be in tomorrow. So, I could only do Monday and Tuesday.
So, it looks like it will be another couple of weeks before I can get them made and then another week and a half or so until they are ready. I'm looking at January before I am able to have both of my hearing aids in. Gah. I was really hoping sometime this month!