Glee Season 1 is over sigh. Love the first song of sectionals medley so much that I went to google it immediately. "Faithfully" by Journey but I can't find nice covers. I want Rachel and Phinn to do a full cover of the song hahaaa. I think the most memorable episode is still the one of Kurt joining the football team and his "Single Ladies" warmup.
This is ridiculously funny lol
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Anyway both Lam and woosie convinced me to get a twitter cos it's easy to catch up given that we hardly have time nowadays. Lag of me to jump on the twitter bandwagon only now but I've never really seen the attraction or the need to. But ok, shall try it out lol. Seems like a 2-in-1, tumblr + livejournal concept so maybe it'll be more time-saving I hope hm. Like the private function and the lists thingy.
Saw a movie trailer, Eat Pray Love. Ok I just like Julia Roberts but the character jet setting off and abandoning everything because she felt like she needed to.. sounds good. "The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving. I didn't want to destroy anything or anybody. I just wanted to slip quietly out the back door, without causing any fuss or consequences, and then not stop running until I reached Greenland."
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Checked out the book it's based on, seems interesting. There's a huge Borders sale but I swear, if I go and end up hauling tons of books home my june hols would be gone just like that. Holing up in the room with a blanket and books, that's irresistible. So the only way is to make it impossible.
You should never give yourself a chance to fall apart because, when you do, it becomes a tendency and it happens over and over again. You must practice staying strong, instead.
‘Eat, pray, love’ - Elizabeth Gilbert
Anne Sexton's good too. Was reading some of her poems and came across one I really like.
Be careful of words,even the miraculous ones.
For the miraculous we do our best,
sometimes they swarm like insects
and leave not a sting but a kiss.
They can be as good as fingers.
They can be as trusty as the rock
you stick your bottom on.
But they can be both daisies and bruises.
Yet I am in love with words.
They are doves falling out of the ceiling.
They are six holy oranges sitting in my lap.
They are the trees, the legs of summer,
and the sun, its passionate face.
Yet often they fail me.
I have so much I want to say,
so many stories, images, proverbs, etc.
But the words aren’t good enough,
the wrong ones kiss me.
Sometimes I fly like an eagle
but with the wings of a wren.
But I try to take care
and be gentle to them.
Words and eggs must be handled with care.
Once broken they are impossible
things to repair.
Actually, no one owes us anything, words, or trust. You know that sometimes they will fail you so it's really up to you to make a judgment. To take it to heart and believe, or not. Never think there is a 100%, it probably doesn't exist. Things often don't survive space and time. But we have to survive space and time somehow, and the only way is to learn and never forget. There's no point in being upset, I just get upset at myself for being affected, so, what's the point really? It's better to not expect anything from anyone.
No one else makes us angry. We make ourselves angry when we surrender control of our attitude. What someone else may have done is irrelevant. We choose, not they. They merely put our attitude to a test.
- jim rohn
Choose to be safe.
Oh saw this on
tumblr, nice. But, not gonna waste time trying lol