30 Days Challenge, Day 29, Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Out of the three - hopes, dreams and plans, the latter is the easiest to say because it's so concrete. "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail." Sure, it does help, planning. Gives you some kind of start, foundation that will lead you to somewhere. And you plan because you have these hopes and dreams that you want to fulfill. So beneath all the level-headed planning lies the seemingly-out-of-reach things that you want to be brought closer, right? Then more often than not, you realize plans will always go awry, nothing will turn out quite as you wanted it to be . What happened, you wonder? Was it your fault that things turned out differently? Maybe the plans were too idealistic? And like building castles in the air, nothing will ever come out of it?
This much I've learnt, that plans, they look pretty, they look achievable. The blueprint to success. But only if you're realistic and prepared for the worst. Perhaps only then you would be unstoppable because nothing could ever throw you off course. Setbacks, failures, they'll just be part of the plan.
Then comes hopes and dreams. How much do you hope? How far do you dream? I don't know, really. But, not gonna talk about it here anyway.
Anyway mich showed me a video yesterday, something that tied in with today's heading lol. The kiwi's dream of flying and how far he went to achieve it. Unexpectedly sad, especially at the last few moments. Sad for him because his dream didn't have a happy ending, but maybe it was all he ever wanted, and at least, he did sort of achieve it.
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Oh talking dreams, on a quite unrelated note, I had a weird dream last night. Dreamt that I woke up at 10am and the sky was still dark so I happily went off to sleep. Something happened but I cant remember what but the next dream took place in school. I went to look for ms k for my history book and she was having consultation with some girls.
girls: " hi ms k we've come to consult you on blablabla"
ms k: " what happened to "always"? you girls said you'll always come and find me"
girls: "er because..."
Then she got pissed off with them and I went to ask her for my book. She said she had already given them out on "Popular Day" and I didn't know what the heck was that. Then I panicked because it meant that my book is gone. Woke up. 0.o
This is the cue for me to start studying history after many days of hiatus from it I suppose. Lol.