HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY TAMTAM!! Celebrated last week @ the airport because we decided to eat the thai food there haha. I think a 2nd trip to Bangkok is in order =D

Tamtam so touched he cried! Ok no, his eyes were sorta infected after he slept with contacts on lol.

Clique pics are getting fewer because we are too busy catching up given the limited time we have =[ On the bright side, I am thankful for Facebook cos of the private group we created hahaaa. All sorts of nonsense and 'picture of the week' that brings back fond memories of our crazy antics =] This week's picture had us all laughing like idiots to our computer lol
Anyway, went to the airport for the 3rd time to send people off! Have never visited the airport so many times in a year before, what with the 3 trips I took during the holidays and all the send offs lol.
Very coincidentally, Vera and Kang's flights were on the same day! And both of them going UCL Law! Small world. Gonna miss Vera, sometimes while walking pass SOT or when I'm in Sociology class (the things we discuss are so related to the projects in SOT!!), I can't help but miss our working days. In fact I wouldn't call it work, but learning experiences because every day was so meaningful and different. And it was all the more fun because i have awesome colleagues like Vera & Charlene + funny & inspiring boss =]

RECESS WEEK IS HERE!!! At the start of term, I thought 'recess' meant the same thing it did in pri/sec/JC. But this week.... I realized that 'recess' = projects, mug, projects, homework, projects. =/ I don't even have enough time to go for all 3 muay thai trainings sigh.
Still, a break is a break and I will make full use of the time!!