Oct 29, 2006 01:13
So, from the time I was very small I have wanted to be a doctor. Now.. two babies later and an education that has been sporadic I don't feel like I can commit myself to med school + residency after I graduate. I owe it to my family to be around for more than 2 hours a day. However, I feel like I have finally decided what I would love to do as a career. Right now I am a pre-nursing major. However, I just cannot see myself being a nurse at a hospital. It's not that I'm looking down on that or anything, I just haven't been sure. I don't feel like that is enough. I love medicine. I love helping people and making them well, but what I'm even more interested in is birth. I think I am going to get my master's degree and become a nurse midwife. It shouldn't take me any longer than 6 more years. Maybe less, depending on how much I'm willing to bunker down to get out of school. I feel so great now. I feel like this would be a career that would not only help to provide for my family, but also be a career that I will love. It is also something that I would be proud to do. How exciting to find a job that will truly make you happy. =)