so last night was our end of the year banquet for the kernel. it was ok i guess. but like even the newsroom admits it. that the advertising people are the cute ones. we sat on our side. (2 tables of ad people) the other like 8 of newsroom freaks. we made our boss cry when we gave her the gifts. she liked them all. a picture of all of us, gift certificate to malones and a massage. i got this picture frame, photo book by one of the photo advisors and then a copy of the slideshow dvd. which was 95% pics of the newsroom kids. maybe 6 pics of the advertising people.
we all were going to go out together. bc everyone wanted to. but peoples boyfriends/ girlfriends were making that impossible. bc they werent allowing that. im glad im single. we ended up going to mccartheys despite the downpour. i didnt get to go home and change. so i am all dressed up at this casual place.but oh well. we finally had a table and just chilled. out of the original maybe 10 people coming out. i think there were like 5. plus everyones boyfriends/ girlfriends came. then there was me. HAHA. well KJ is just kinda talking to this guy who came later. so she was sorta my date i guess... and is prolly my new fav person to go out with. and could be my new bar partner even though shes only 20.
why do i always tilt my head in pics? and i need my hair to grow back asap. or i need to buzz it again. this in between phase isnt the most attractive.
but everyone basically left earlier. except jacob and his GF. who is probably the fakest girl ive ever met in my life. and i can be pretty fake if need be. but she was just too over the top.
it was funny. i was arguing with laura bc i always do. shes like i feel like you are my brother. i feel like im every girl i knows bigger brother sometimes. i have to keep my eye out and make sure they dont go home w/ an ugg dude or sketchy person. plus i always drive. bc i am the only responsible one.
tonight laura is having a party for her boyfriend. he is moving to florida. a going away party of sorts i guess. making hooch, having a keg, jello shots, and some other drink. plus cooking out and stuff. starts at 5. but i drank a fair amount last night. im not sure if i wanna start that early or not!
i need to shower. and run to the mall real fast. then go eat something. bc the doritos and cookies im eating now arent cutting it. neither my body nor my hunger.
at least its not raining. if it would just get warm. the 60s next week. :)
its funny i am drinking and going out more this weekend than almost any other this semester. and i have a final project to do and a final to study for on monday. oh well. i honestly don't care about school anymore.
i have that final monday night. then working at AF for sure wed and thur 12-5. and heading home to cbus thur night for about a week. i need to get a new car. :)