political stance analysis.

Nov 07, 2007 00:20

just wrote this for government. thought i'd share. :]

My stances on political issues are mostly left, if not all left. The strongest issues in my decision include gay rights, religion in schools, and environmental issues. Equal rights are important to the democracy, and limiting them based on opinion is not fair. A democracy is supposed to represent the governed and although there are people against gay rights, they are not the ones affected by laws implemented by the ignorant. I don’t feel that it’s fair for a group’s rights to be decided by a group of people they are not represented by. It is not morally just and it should be looked at more closely. Another driving force in the Conservative agenda has to do with religion and its presence in almost all aspects of life. Personally, I do not care for religion. I respect the religious, of course, but I believe it causes more conflict than it resolves. I am an atheist and I don’t feel it is right to have another religion being forced on me. I realize the nation was founded upon Christianity, but for a nation that prides itself on freedoms and rights of the individual, there should not be religious affiliation in public aspects of society. It is one thing for a non-religious citizen to be forced to acknowledge religious views, but another for Christianity to place itself on a high pedestal above all other religions. The issue of the environment and conservation is very important and the Republican view of protecting private business before doing something about the problems is absurd. At the rate the environment is heading, without true intervention by someone of true authority, there could and will be dire consequences later on down the road. The opinion that global warming is not really happening makes me question the level of ignorance the public will allow to spread. I don’t understand how one could argue scientific evidence. Obviously something unhealthy is going on, take the recent weather patterns for example. Clearly, the earth is sick. 60 degrees one day, 90 degrees the next? How can any single person ignore the blatant issues at hand? I don’t agree with, let alone understand, this position. This also has to do with the issue of evolution vs. “intelligent design” in school systems. There is a separation between church and state and the argument against scientific research absolutely baffles me. I respect the ideas and beliefs of religion but when it comes to education, there are certain topics and information that all students should be aware of. Insisting that evolution be referred to as a theory is disrespectful and illogical. Theories are ideas unable to be proved and have little solid evidence. Evolution has way more evidence proven than anything written in the bible. Perhaps the bible’s stories should be referred to as theories, they fit the definition. My position is powered very much by my criticism of religion; however the rights of the individual are important as well. Overall, the left side of the political spectrum is easier for me to identify with because of my beliefs in equality, freedoms, rights, and acceptance of diversity.
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