//Hey, there you are! I was getting worried about you.//
I'm here! RL has been throwing curveballs lately, so have been just a bit caught up with stuff---plus, I've caught a nasty case of food poisoning, and can't seem to hold anything down. :-(
//Well, I think we're in agreement over this ep too. What a shocker//
I haven't read anyones reviews yet, but it's always comforting to know atleast you and I are in agreement, heh.
//I also can't seem to feel much sense or, well, anything with these eps. I don't feel tension, or bubbling up menace, or a real sense of anticipation. They're just sort of there.//
Exactly. An ep like this for instance, isn't even necessarily a bad one, it's just so lacking in presence and focus, if that makes any sense.
//That strikes me as excessive, especially when the heroic side of Clark just doesn't feel as sharply defined.//
::nods:: It's that whole debate once again on balance, that SV just can't seem to get right.
//And yeah, Clark asking Oliver to be his best man just doesn't work for me, He's the best man because there isn't another viable option, thats all.//
Might as well have asked Emil!
//I was also really bothered by Tess and Emil not being there when Lois was featured so prominently. I don't take issue with that (just her leather jacket ensemble), but if civilians are there, shouldn't they have been there to?//
Good point. Their lack of the presence was definitely felt. I chalk it up to a necessary contrivance however,since I'm assuming whatever this is that has whammied them into unconsciousness will probably be uncovered by Tess and Emil.
//For some reason, the text for me when typing in your journal is practically invisible. So, its always an adventure. LOL//
Oh, no. You should've told me before! I'll change it to hopefully something better soon, if only the constant wave of nausea would leave! :-(
I'm here! RL has been throwing curveballs lately, so have been just a bit caught up with stuff---plus, I've caught a nasty case of food poisoning, and can't seem to hold anything down. :-(
//Well, I think we're in agreement over this ep too. What a shocker//
I haven't read anyones reviews yet, but it's always comforting to know atleast you and I are in agreement, heh.
//I also can't seem to feel much sense or, well, anything with these eps. I don't feel tension, or bubbling up menace, or a real sense of anticipation. They're just sort of there.//
Exactly. An ep like this for instance, isn't even necessarily a bad one, it's just so lacking in presence and focus, if that makes any sense.
//That strikes me as excessive, especially when the heroic side of Clark just doesn't feel as sharply defined.//
::nods:: It's that whole debate once again on balance, that SV just can't seem to get right.
//And yeah, Clark asking Oliver to be his best man just doesn't work for me, He's the best man because there isn't another viable option, thats all.//
Might as well have asked Emil!
//I was also really bothered by Tess and Emil not being there when Lois was featured so prominently. I don't take issue with that (just her leather jacket ensemble), but if civilians are there, shouldn't they have been there to?//
Good point. Their lack of the presence was definitely felt. I chalk it up to a necessary contrivance however,since I'm assuming whatever this is that has whammied them into unconsciousness will probably be uncovered by Tess and Emil.
//For some reason, the text for me when typing in your journal is practically invisible. So, its always an adventure. LOL//
Oh, no. You should've told me before! I'll change it to hopefully something better soon, if only the constant wave of nausea would leave! :-(
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