[So sue me. I ship it.]
“If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever.”
“So tell me, Arthur. Am I going to kiss you or kill you?”
She’d betrayed him.
Angela had always been his confidante. The one person who he could count on to continually be by his side, throughout any ordeal or test. True, he may have manipulated that situation slightly, erasing her memory when it was relevant or necessary, but she was still the rock in his life. The thing that kept him from flying too far off focus, keeping him set on the task at hand. He had sworn himself to her, through sickness and health, till death did they part. And she was the one who tried to kill him.
He had plotted his revenge for every day that he was left in that hospital bed. He pondered the ways he could use her to manipulate his own means, how his predicament could be used to his advantage, and he waited. Perhaps a year wasn’t the longest time that he could have waited, and there had certainly been those who’ve waited longer, but it was enough. Enough to know that he couldn’t let this betrayal by someone so incredibly close to him go unanswered. Enough to know that he needed to strike back.
And strike back he did.
He left her just as trapped and powerless as he had been, a prisoner in her own body, with no means of escape. His intentions were to leave her there forever, a prisoner within herself until her body turned to dust beneath her. But Matt Parkman had to go and try to be the hero. He had to access powers he didn’t understand, and he had to go and clean up the mess.
“We were once like that, Arthur. Remember? You loved me, and there’s a part of you that still does. So now you’re going to let me go, you understand?”
Love lacks reason, which is what makes it one of the most frustrating human emotions. It takes hold of a person at the strangest times in the strangest places, which can often times lead to the strongest betrayals. It lacks common sense, which makes it dangerous, especially in Arthur’s case. Because Angela wasn’t someone he wanted to be standing in his way. In fact, if anything, he was tempted to leave her right where she was, consequences for everything else be damned.
But looking at her, sitting there, he knew that she was right. He knew that he wasn’t going to be able to leave her there. They had been through too much already for him to just abandon her to the depths of her own mind, no matter how deeply she had cut him in the past.
He couldn’t leave her there because he’d loved her once, and he still loved her now. He considered that a weakness that he was willing to accept.
434 words w/o quotes