What I did today to not study for my Korean exam

Oct 04, 2008 21:14

I really wish someone would translate the U.S. Constitution into Latin. I watched the West Wing today where the President is given a copy, and derr. It's the coolest thing ever. If I had a copy of that, I would be so much more motivated to study. Or, if I had bought that copy of Harry Potter in Latin, too...

Which leads me to another thing: West Wing, let's never break up again, okay? I need your President Bartlet to end the day with a moving speech comparing saving dolphins to saving the electoral college; I need Josh and Sam to walk and talk while looking pretty. I need Toby to throw his rubber ball, and I need CJ to yell at Danny and the White House Press Corps.

Our fictional democracy is a fantastic distraction from our real democracy. I know, Mr. Bush only has 106 days left in office, but that's plenty of time to finalize his legacy.

And, Incidentally, Barack Obama has, apparently, already met President Bartlet. Oh, Maureen Dowd. You exploit your ex-relationships on a regular basis, but in this case, I must thank you for it.

politics, josh lyman is my fictional boyfriend, west wing

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