
Feb 07, 2008 22:47

1. Just got back from the worst blind date ever. Oh gosh. A friend of a friend set us up, thinking we would hit it off. Him: 24, Korean (from Seoul), studying Computer Engineering; likes Prison Break. First off, we stupidly decided that it would be a good idea to just get food on campus. We're cheap, and the Ave is too far away (two blocks?). He had difficulty understanding the concept of a vegetarian, and it didn't help any that the meal tonight had soy duck (suck?) in it. It wasn't that he was a bad person, no he was actually really likable. But we just didn't have anything in common. I told him about a Korean movie playing on campus next week, one of the cutest films I've ever seen, and it turned out to be a film he hates : X

2. Every time I see Keith Olbermann with Chris Matthews, I can't help but get the distinct impression that Keith would love nothing more than to smack Chris every once in a while. Not to seriously injure him, mind you, but it would be in retribution for all the crazy things Chris says. It's hilarious. (but, I still feel kind of bad for Keith)

3. Obama is coming tomorrow! And I can't go. Clearly, I'm bitter about this. Stupid having a Norwegian and Korean test. Grrr. Teachers? You've just made the list.

4. Oh snap! I want this. Is that not the definition of awesome?

5. I've been told to make up a birthday list for the parents. It's the big 2-1, and I don't know what I want. They want to get me something nice, but I don't know. I don't wear much jewelry, save for earrings, and any nice earrings they bought I would not wear regularly. I technically have a car now, so that's out.

6. My parents like my taking Norwegian way more than I do. I don't dislike the language by any means, but I'm not in love with it. Norway and I are not fully compatible. Mostly because of their dislike of rice, and my dislike of potatoes. (what am I going to eat???)

7. I AM in love with my new dorm. I am taking pictures next week, because I am either living in a a)really nice hotel, or b)Hogwarts. It's British style, to start off, with four "houses." I am in Leary house, with coincidentally enough, GREEN as our house color. We have a lounge that is completely decked out with green furniture. If the Gryffindor commons room was green and didn't have weird tapestries on the walls, you would have my lounge. The other houses have red, yellow, and I think, purple. *shrug* And then all the house have special entertaining rooms. We have a computer lab (wtf, random?). There's also a HUGE television lounge, a ballroom and the "Stagger Inn," with pool and other table games.

There's at least 6 bathrooms on each floor (for each sex!) and from what I've noticed, there's only two other people using my bathroom. It's pretty small, but we've got an antique bathtub in it. And for the shower and tub there's actual doors, not curtains. You step into another little room.

Andddddd....we have NICE washers and dryers. There's at least 10 washers (for 300 people!) and 15 dryers and they're at most four years old.

Did I mention that my view is over a courtyard? It's beautiful. And oh so clear where UW spends their money ;P

parents, tv boyfriend, obama, school, norway

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