Lord, beer me strength to keep from strangling my roommate

Jan 15, 2008 22:58

God it feels good to get my mother's goat.

A week back she went off on me about how Barack Obama didn't say the pledge of allegiance. I said, "okay, neither do I, and I *doubt* that's true." Tonight I finally had a few minutes to search youtube and came up with a whole bunch of C-Span videos of him (gasp) saying the pledge of allegiance. HA.

Also--I've gotten myself a volunteer job down at his office in Pioneer Square two days a week. So, the only time people will be able to see me before spring break (and that one weekend I've promised Shawnti) will be from 12:30 to 2:30 Monday through Wednesday : P

I have also been contemplating taking a year of either Chinese or Arabic next year if I truly do go to Oslo this summer. Oslo being key as in my second year of Norwegian would be finished, and thus my minor in the language. I've just been thinking how the CIA or State Department is going to be my way into politics because I will speak...four languages by the time I graduate (/by the time I come back to the US). BUT--only two of those languages are going to be useful to my government--I'll certainly be paid extra for knowing the other two, but they won't get me a job. If I add Arabic or Chinese to my resume though, I'm in business. I get the feeling Arabic is the easier of the two languages, but I think Chinese would just make more sense. Hm. Something to consider, anyways.

(my roommate and I are clearly not getting along at this point, but that's for another place and time)

future, politics, obama, mother, school

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