hugs and kisses

Jul 21, 2007 19:02

Hellllooooo, internets. How I've missed you over the past couple weeks.

Finished Harry Potter in a little less than seven hours. There were parts I loved, parts I hated, and parts that I'm going to pretend don't exist. In true J.K. fashion it lagged in places, and went way too fast in others. It made me tear up, but nothing like Dumbledore. So, eh? I don't know what to think of it. Actually, that's a big phoney lie. But I don't want to spoil anyone, and I want to re-read some bits.

I recieved a letter today from UW saying that I'm probably not going to get housing. Shit, shit, shit. Entirely irksome considering I'm a junior. Arguh. I'm the lowest priority for housing (again, don't know why), and in the lowest priority they arrange the waiting list in accordance with how close people live. Out of a 20 mile radius and you get higher priority, inside lower. Well, if you have a straight line from my house to school it's like 19 miles. In reality I don't know how many miles you take on the road, but it's much more. Plus ferries, and etc etc. So, I don't know what will happen. I'll talk to my parents and figure something out.

I was terribly amused when Tom recieved his housing yesterday. His roommate is the ONE person he didn't want to live with, his high school friend Matt. I laughed so hard. They are the biggest slobs I've ever met, and together...ew. Let's just say that I will never visit their dorm room. Ever.

Also--because of a certain friend who made me a certain mix I've been listening to David Bowie non-stop for at least a week. I need to stop (but I can't because he is true love).

harry potter, books, school

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