
May 10, 2007 16:53

1) Anyone want to go see Waitress with me sometime soon? It's got Keri Russell, who I don't know very well but like, and Nathan Fillion who was Mal on Firefly. The film is a dark comedy about a girl who's ended up with a life she really, really shouldn't have. And it's about pies. We like pies.

I've been wanting to see this for a while, and I think it looks good. So, anyone?

2)Who wants to hit the Seattle International Film Festival with me? I can afford maybe 6 movies this year (curse it being moderately expensive), so there's ample opportunity to spend time with me. You guys like foreign films, I like foreign films, so let's have some fun.

The ones that immediately jumped out as being interesting to me...

Broken English: It looks amusing.
Cashback: Has the hot guy from the first Harry Potter.
Death At a Funeral: This one has Alan Tudyk AND music composed by Murray Gold who I adore way too much.
How is Your Fish Today? : Sounds like Stranger than Fiction.
Hula Girls: Has one of my favorite Japanese actresses (see my icon).
My Best Friend: This seems like something we would like.
Sakuran: Aw, it looks sweet.
White Light, Black Rain: A doctumentary about Hiroshima, and I won't actually make anyone attend with me).
Woman on the Beach: I like two of the leads, so I think I would like this one.

Yes, it's more than 6. I can narrow it down, and I'm open to suggestions. So, people! Take a break from schoolwork and look at films. We need to celebrate our international-ness (and see some fantastic cinema).

movies, siff

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