Stuff. And some more stuff.

Apr 16, 2007 21:19

Pah. I haven't written anything in forever. School's been busy. So, instead of something long and rambley, here's some highlights.

My brilliant hand-picked group of boys in Space class is turning out to not nice. Two of them are absolutely fantastic, but the other two just don't come to class. Ever. Oh well. They're going to be the ones who fail the class. My boys who do come to class are far too stressed out because the only place we can find the part we need for our UV radiation payload Korea. I say, meh. The company will either speak English or Japanese, and we can deal with that. Or, we'll search harder and find someplace else.

We've finished studying WWII in history class. Being a nosey girl, I went to the library and checked out several books on the invasion-that-never-was, and on B-29's. Some of you know that my grandfather has been restoring a B-29 for the last 16(?) years, trying to get it back to flying condition. To keep myself from ranting too much, let's just say that my entire family is frustrated that Boeing isn't ponying up the money to restore the plane that pretty much set the standard for both military and commercial planes since. BUT--I managed to find a book published in July 1946 (it's hilarious finding things that were blanked out of it), that he does not own. Yes! I now have a brithday present for the hard to shop for man. And when he was looking through it, he noticed that in one of the pictures, the plane featured was not only in his squadron, but one of his friend's planes. Pretty neat. Or, I thought so.

He's going to write down things for me, by the way.

And my happy moment of the week. Churasan, the first drama I ever saw in Japan, is being uploaded online. Yayyyy. I loved the little that I saw of this show. It's a family/romance drama about a girl, Eri, who was raised in Okinawa. She meets a boy, Fumiya and they decide to marry when they grow up. Stuff goes down, and Fumiya's family moves to Tokyo. Eri years later re-meets Fumiya in Tokyo where they work at the same hospital. Then of course, more stuff will go down.

Is that pretty much the worst summary ever? Yes, I think so. Really, it's not as corny as what I wrote. It's sweet, and it has such beautiful scenery. Plus, it's an "asadorama" (morning drama), and each episode is only 15 minutes long. Perfect for eating breakfast, no? Okay. I'll stop.

Hope everyone else is doing nicely.

space class, history, school, japanese, drama, grandfather

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