Dec 14, 2006 22:05
I have never been as wet as I was earlier today. Before I left for Seattle this morning, my mother handed my an umbrella and said, "you're going to need it." Truth be told, I didn't. The umbrella didn't do a single thing to stop the rain because it was horizontal, and swirling from all directions, almost as if the wind and rain had a problem with me--personally. After I had gotten off of the bus in Faunterloy, I had to walk down, naturally, to the waiting room before boarding the ferry to Vashon. In that 2 minute walk, I was completely soaked from head to toe, and almost lost my umbrella to the wind twice. You know you're not in good shape when you realize that if you had jumped in Puget Sound with your clothes on, you would have been more dry.
On the plus side, all of the commuters got some good exercise today. I have never seen women move faster in stilletos.