It's 1:43 am...

Nov 01, 2006 02:49

I just got back from my first write-in with the upper-Seattle NaNo group. Boy, are they awesome. We met at Denny's in Ballard at midnight talked plots, and titled and laughed. Then we got to work. In a little over an hour nearly everyone with a computer had written over 1000 words, and the ones without weren't that far behind. This was all in the midst of eatting, more laughing and calling out "Give me a male, fatherly name!"

I also met Sarah. Or, re-met. She looked awfully familiar to me, and I finally figured it out. We both lived on the same floor in McCarty last year. I'm a little sad that I didn't get to know her much last year because she's pretty hilarious. She reminds me of Caity. They're both cheerful, honest and really excitable. We got her to join the Hydrophobic Ducks (did I mention that I'm an officer? ha ha!), and she's going to come to the meetings.

But, yes. I wrote 1500 words and I hope to write at least another couple thousand before midnight tomorrow.

I also made a new wallpaper for me that I think is gorgeous. Marah will laugh, be slightly disappointed in me, but mostly want it for herself.

nanowrimo, linus and audrey story, writing

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