This is all very exciting!

Sep 01, 2006 16:14

I have a penpal!


japanese, writing

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anonymous September 2 2006, 01:04:30 UTC


goodtoast September 2 2006, 03:20:12 UTC
New York. Not very far, but it's someone else who speaks Japanese *grin*
Plus, the idea of just having a pen pal is awesome.


lucyem82 September 2 2006, 05:41:28 UTC
Snail mail, or email??? Snail mail is soooooooooo much more exciting!!!


goodtoast September 2 2006, 07:34:35 UTC
E-mail thus far, but I said I'd like to switch to snail mail. We won't be able to communicate as much, reciving real mail? Amazing!

Hey, question. When are you moving into your house? Or, are you already there?


lucyem82 September 2 2006, 15:40:02 UTC
Not sure yet. Sometime in mid Sept. I'm SOOOOOOOOOO excited that it's finally September!!!!!


goodtoast September 3 2006, 04:58:47 UTC
Oooh yay! That is exciting!! We actually are not that far apart. I'm on 52nd :D


lucyem82 September 3 2006, 05:18:18 UTC
When are you moving in??? One of my roomies did a LJ post today -- she's gettting all the utilities set, and has a kitty for us if we still want one!!! Of course we do!!! We're gonna have an awesome apartment warming party!!! You're already invited!!!!!


goodtoast September 8 2006, 06:38:18 UTC
Mua! I am moved! I moved in on Monday. Although I'm on Vashon right now for many various reasons (including there's nothing to do in Seattle, and I forgot lots of things). I can't wait to come to your party, and to meet your kitty!!!!


lucyem82 September 8 2006, 16:44:20 UTC
I'm half-way moved in right now!!! I LOVE the apartment!!! I'm getting the rest of my stuff from my aunt's house on Sunday, so by early next week I should be living there!!! I'm on Vashon now too -- doing more packing and waiting to hear about jobs.


goodtoast September 9 2006, 17:38:18 UTC
Yeah, I need to find a job too. I've got filled out applications for a bunch of them, I just need to go turn them in. Congrats on moving in! I guess I'll be seeing you soon :D


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