(no subject)

Jul 13, 2006 20:55

I spent most of the afternoon today in Seattle with my parents. Originally, I was going to meet up with them because I felt sick, and wanted to get home sooner than by the bus (so didn't happen). They were at Group Health because my Dad's eye has been bothering him. He's got a scratched cornea, and has been wearing an eye patch around because when the light hits his eye, he says its like when a flashlight is shined directly into your eyes.

But, the doctors told him today that if they can't fix it, he might lose his eye. He's got an emergency appointment at University of Washington tomorrow with some specialist to see what he can do. They've already given him steroids, but my father can't really take them (at least not as often as they want him to) because he's got such a terrible immune system, and that blood disease...

Still...it's pretty scary...
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