(no subject)

Jan 31, 2006 21:30

I yearn for someone to talk "shop" with. I adore my roommates in every way possible, but they could care less about politics. Most of the people on my floor (er, that I've spoken to, anyways) are all science majors. I think there's one or two English majors, but they like their mathematics here. It's a little frustrating because I was pretty active in the Young Democrats last quarter, but Band is at the same time as meetings, so I can't go this quarter. What's the real kicker is that all of you, the ones who would snicker, and be arrogant, and just make fun of system with me aren't around (or aren't friends with me anymore). *sigh* Whatever. I'll get over it.

I'm just like a little kid in a candy store, you know? I get so excited, and oh my gosh! I have to argue with someone! The administration is making an ass of itself, I need to point and laugh! Or, I have to share this ridiculous, inane piece of trivia! And I look around, but there's no one who would appreciate it. I usually end up telling Jessica or Mindy who just cock their head, and look at me like I'm crazy. Mindy understands where I'm coming from though. She's the same way, but it's usually about Harry Potter, or, some obscure crime related knowledge.

So, for now, I write.

friends, politics

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