Opinion Time!

May 12, 2010 20:34

Even though it's May, I'm starting to think about my summer break plans. I don't know a whole lot, but school is out from mid-July to the end of August. I'll have to teach an English camp for two weeks of that, but at the very least, I'll have a week and a half of paid vacation.

Should I try to come back to the US? As of right now, the cheapest fare is $1200 (twice what I paid to get here), and I'd have to stop in Japan. The non-stop flight is $2000, but the overall trip would be 8 hours shorter.

Or, my other option is to save my vacation time until Christmas. Airfare would be the same, but I could have three weeks of paid vacation, and I'd kind of love to surprise my family on New Years Day.

What do you think? Terrible idea?

korea, school

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