Yes, I'm actually 100% positively sure I'm moving to Korea.

Mar 04, 2010 15:55

Are cooking forum people the biggest douchebags on the internet?

I went to a forum asking how I could roast vegetables without an oven, because I won't have one in Korea. All the responses I got were things like "learn to eat Korean food," "stop being so American," and "kimchi is the most delicious food in the world. Love it."


I'm sorry, I didn't ask your opinion about Korean food. I was asking your opinion about roasting food on a gas cook-top. Is it too much to think that I'm not going to want Korean food every single meal of every single day, and instead would want to come home to roasted butternut squash soup?

So, my question still stands. If any cooks out there have suggestions on how I could get that delicious roasted flavor without using an oven, please let me know. Maybe blanche or boil, and then pan-fry? I really don't know.


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