Jan 31, 2006 08:10
Today on my way to school I walked the usual way. Up the hill, through the park at the top of the stairs, down through someones driveway, and down the hill to Massart. Its hard to imagine if you haven't been there, but work with me. Anyway, it's the fastest route to school and I walk that way often during the day. Me and Chris did walked the route at night once, when we were in a rush to get home, but I doubt either of us will ever do it again.
Well, this morning when I reached the top of the street I noticed a man (not dressed like a bum, but not dressed quite normally either) coming down the stairs the opposite way of me. He stopped at the bottom and stood there for a bit. I thought he was waiting to cross the street, but when he had the opportunity he just stayed at the curb looking around. It kinda weirded me out that he didn't continue on his way, so I paid attention to him as I passed. (At the same time the school buses on the corner was unloading kids into the school so I figured it was safe with so many people around)
Now past the man, I huffed up the long stairs 2 at a time. This is the best way to travel up those stairs. Mid way up I glanced over my shoulder to check on the man, who has now turned around and is following me back up the stairs. Again if you don't know the area its hard to imagine, but not many people travel these stairs and they are long enough and steep enough that you would probably want to avoid walking up them if you can. As I got to the top, I picked up the pace even though by now I was a bit out of breath. Not much further down the path a checked behind me again. This time the man was just reaching the top of the stairs. Now I know I am a little slow, but I hopped up the stairs 2 at a time, and for him to reach the top that quickly he had to be moving pretty fast. I took out my phone so I could call someone in a hurry if I needed to, but fortunately I made it out of the path and back onto the populated street before anything could have happened. When I was back on the street with other people, I glanced back again just to see the man was gone.
Now, he may have just continued on the path instead of heading toward the street, but I really doubt it. I think he was following me and when I made it out of the woods back to the street I think he turned back. Its kinda creepy when you think you're being followed. You feel a bit scared for yourself as is expected, but you also feel a bit guilty for insinuating that someone is actually following you. Do you call the cops to scope out the area for other peoples sake? Do you ignore it and assume it was just another pedestrian? Do you never walk the fast route again, despite the fact that it is THE FAST ROUTE? I don't know, I did call Shelli though to warn her.