So I watched Toy Story 3 last night.
The gif which explains my inside feelings while I kept a cool front with company.
I'm so digging Artie/Brittany, they're so cute, don't even curr if that's unpopular or not. Magic comb. Brittany adorableness. "You are magic." Aww! I say keep them and Mika/Tina for awhile.
Loved Puck in this episode. Loved. "My boy." MY BOY. The inner Puckurt in me squealed. And Puckleberry, dare I say I may have liked it. Still, boo to Finchel drama!
Kurt/Rachel, yay. Everything about them was greatness. :D
Blaine being the only one to laugh at Kurt's joke. Of course my mind went straight to that lyric from Teenage Dream, "you think I'm funny when I tell the punchline wrong". It is only a matter of time before Blaine puts his hands on Kurt's skin-tight jeans, y/y? And becomes his Valentine every February?
How cute was, in Kurt's audition, he's raising his hands and Blaine signals for him to put them back down, guiding him. So cute and supportive.
I don't really have much to say about the Kurt/Blaine conversations that hasn't been said already, and much better. But I don't think Blaine is a tool. All I'll say is I see Blaine as being conformed. I can see the roles being reversed, that Kurt will teach him to bring out his loose side, and basically, these two are going to balance each other out wonderfully. Blaine around others is different from Blaine with just Kurt. And come on, just look at his reaction to the ND performance? He loved it. More and more I can really see it's inevitable for Blaine to transfer, whether with Kurt or later on.
Spread your wings, bbs.
And for their last convo? Ugh, they so could have kissed! Oh well, I can wait. Just don't make us wait too long. :(
All right, so. Rachel's "Finn 4ever" or whatever it said looked quite similar to Kurt's "courage" sign. Hmmm. Just, hmmm. they're both meant-to-be couples, y/n!?
BICO is next, guys. AHHHHH. Glad it's not in the preview. Keep *~*the magic*~* hidden. Don't even want to see anything until it airs.
Oh, and I finally caved and started watching Misfits a couple weeks ago. Why on earth did I resist before? It's awesome.