
Nov 06, 2010 20:58

Oh Glee. I can't quit you now. Damn you. So, you in the Glee fandom may have seen this already. Well, I just have to need to talk about this! A lot.

Glee preview clip. Spoilers! )

spoilers, glee

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goodnightsong November 10 2010, 05:10:22 UTC

This makes me so happy. And omg I miss you too! I replied to your message back on lj but I wasn't sure if you got it or not. But I'm so happy to you see here :D I have been so absent from this that I know I have a lot to catch up on and I'll go check out your journal soon. But yeah, so glad you're a klaine shipper and again, I miss you *hugs* Talk to you soon I hope.


_touched November 10 2010, 05:50:45 UTC

(And I am currently saddened, that I don't have an appropriate Glee icon for this comment. Must find one, immediately.)

Aw, yays. I'm glad I could do something that makes you happy. I MISS YOU MOAR!!! I know you did and it was there one day and then like magically gone the next, I think livejournal decided to eat it or something. IDEK what happened to it, but I was going to get back to you and then work and then other things and real life and stuff like that got in the way.

I miss being here. :D

It's all good, just whenever you get a chance. There's been some pretty heavy things going on as far as work goes. Oh, and did I mention that I'm currently unemployed again, as of this morning. It's a big long story that you can read all about in this entry. The end result, she got to maintain her employment and had only been suspended for three days pending investigation into the matter, so when I went back into work today like I normally do at the start of my four day rotation, the administrator over the facility let me know that she was going to get to keep her job and we were going to still be working the same rotation together.

I politely let him know that I didn't feel comfortable with that arrangement after everything that had happened between said co-worker and myself and then I politely quit my job. I hate that I had to lose my job in order to keep my sanity and for my own emotional well being because I really needed it, but at the same time it was worth it to me not to have to continue working with her and working in such a hostile working environment such as that one. Plus, it doesn't speak well on their behalf, that she's getting to keep her job after two people came forward on my behalf and let them know that they saw exactly what she had done to me and they still let her keep her employment and let me walk out so easily.

Anyway, enough of that. I totally love Kurt/Blaine. I think they're on the road to be amazingly adorable and highly loveable. I miss you, too. *hugs*

Yes, yes, and yes!!!!


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