
Sep 25, 2009 23:09

I feel well enough to actually make a post about the newest episode of Psych tonight.

WTF we're already on episode 7?

That was so damn cute Shawn's child-like excitement and how proud he looked with Gus and singing A Capella. He was so into it.

OH MY GOD IT'S CANDYMAN, RUN! DESTROY ALL THE MIRRORS! It's funny though... Not knowing he was going to appear on this episode, days earlier I was thinking to myself some actors who should be on Psych, and Tony Todd was one of them. I thought he would be the obvious choice for a bad guy. Nice though, that he wasn't actually a villian in this role. Still... *gives him the side look* Creepy ass man.

Shawn: "I wish I knew you when you were black." Hahahahaha. Oh dear. *wipes tear*

The Boys II Men theme song, okay. Um. Need .mp3. NOW. I freaking love Boys II Men and this was perfect. If I didn't love the original theme song so much, I'd put in in a request that this version be the new theme song for every week. For reals. I would also like an A Capella version, please and thank you.

Aw, Gus really? A paternal lock on Shawn's computer? Hee.

Joon: "Someone would be like, 'I'm gonna kill you!'. and i'd be like *dead*, and they'd be like 'oh, he's dead, let's kill someone else'" That's what I'm saying! Just play dead, people. Whatever, I'm stealing that plan if anyone should try to kill me.

I love Gus stopping Shawn before he can say "I've heard it both ways." Because as much as I love this show dearly, and it pains me to say this, I don't much love things being used in every single episode. The Shawn!Snarl, the "I've heard it both ways", and yes, even the "Gus, don't be a __". Moderation, people. Moderation.

I see some people are torn on Lassie & Jules vs Shawn & Gus in this episode. Jules and Lassie were being cold. Really didn't like how they left them. I can see both sides (but of course I'm team Shus). What I can comment on is that I liked Jules not falling for Shawn's crap and him bringing Abigail into it. I like tough!Jules over pining!Jules. Hey, I am all for Shules happening in the end. I miss their flirtation. But I do think they need to pull it back a little.

And of course with Lassie and Shawn, it's one step forward and two steps back.

Loved Gus standing up to Lassie. That's my boy! It's nice to have an episode centered on him. Dule owned. :D

I like Shawn's concern for Gus' safety and worry that they could end up like Gus and his A Capella college buddies. :(

Ready For The World's "Oh Sheila" as the Psych-Out. Everybody singing it. HAPPINESS. I love that song, and Psych acknowledging that song. Nobody I know knows that song. This show knows me so well. *weeps*

Topic of new episode aside, I'm sorry but no. Those Teen Shawn and Gus shorts are not working. Those boys are terrible. It reminded me of just how wrong this show could have gone if they had casted anyone other than James Roday to play Shawn Spencer, or Liam for flashback!Shawn. And holy lack of continuity! Shawn has only been a pretend psychic for the last few years, not so far back as his teenage years.

Also, wow. Looking back on screencaps from season one, I can't believe how different Shawn looks now. O_O Not just the weight gain and the hair, but the wardrobe, too. All the plaid. Damn. Give him something else to wear for once, please. I miss his old wardrobe lol.

ETA: Wait. Wait.

We have to wait to weeks again? Fuck you!

And Glee is just fucking cute.

tv shows: psych

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