"Say HI for me"? Really?

Jun 22, 2009 21:38

My friend's boyfriend calls to tell me that my friend is in labor (AHHHHH!) and we talk a little bit. I ask questions, we both can't wait to see the baby, yadda yadda. And before he goes, I say, "Okay, say hi to Michelle for me! :D"

What I meant to say was, give her hand a squeeze for me, call me asap and give me the details, I'll be thinking of you guys all day and hoping for the very best... I don't know. Not, tell her I said hi! As if they're somewhere else and she simply can't come to the phone right now because she's taking a shower, instead of about to give birth to a freaking baby.

This is why I don't speak!

He totally laughed at me, too LOL. D:

Small moment of typical lameness aside, I am just awaiting the next call letting me know Gabby has arrived, both baby and mama healthy. I want to see my niece, as they are calling me her aunt, and it's turned me to goo more than I thought possible. Gah.

At least I didn't say, "Have fun!"?

rl, baby

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