I hold a lot inside me. There are things I want to say but I don't, in fear of getting attacked, of not saying the right thing, many other things. I never have been good with words. I know that's not good for me though, bottling things up. And maybe some time in the near future, I will express my thoughts on certain matters. But right now I just want to give out a little thank you/appreciation to my wonderful f-list. I've been meaning to say this for awhile, and I hope you do give it a read.
I just want to say that I love my f-list. You guys are great, seriously. I'm very lucky to have all of you. You are some of the most respectful, nice, talented, and hilarious people that I have come across. You each have your own talents and thoughts to bring to the table and I look up to many of you. And I hope to continue chatting squeeing with you over MR and whatnot and getting to know you all more for a long time.
Also, I just want to thank all of you for not defriending me or attacking me for my sudden liking of the pairing of Lexana. Though some on my f-list do enjoy Lexana as well (and very I’m glad for that. Seriously, it’s a really nice feeling to know there are others out there, and you all help make me feel a little less lonely about my like for L/L, heh.), I do know that others still haven't opened up to it, which I can understand. I'd be a hypocrite if I said I didn't, lets not forget, I once hated it as well. There have been cases where other people were getting defriended over their change of opinion about Lexana. So I am just glad that those who don't like the pairing, have not attacked me or defriended me for it, and have instead been respectful towards me. I really appreciate that. And I just hope that nobody thinks that I've stopped my love for Clex. Because I certainly have not. Clex is still my OTP, always will be. I can honestly say that I have never loved a pairing as much as I do Clark and Lex, there is nothing better than the two of them. And I'm just sorry if it seems like I haven't talked about it much lately. Long live the Clex!
I promise to try to talk more about the Clex on my journal again. And perhaps once the S6 premiere begins (can’t wait!) there will be more opportunity for that. I’m sure many of you who friended me in the past thought I’d be all about the Clex and then there I go on about Lex and Lana. No, I’m not going to apologize for liking Lex and Lana together. I can’t do that. But I am sorry if it seems like I’m all about Lexana and not enough Clex. (Hey. It’s not as if I’m drooling over Clana though, right?) ;)
Anyways. If you want to defriend me over Lexana, go ahead. I'd hate to see you go, but I’ll understand. But for those who have stuck by me, thank you. It’s just that sometimes I get feel that everything is all good, and we’re all just having fun… and other times, I get the sense that if I mention Lexana just one more time, someone will jump through the computer screen and strangle me. I’m sure some of you want to tell me shut up about it, but thank you for not attacking me, bwah. I won’t lie though. Yes, there are times when I get extremely bitter and upset because I truly wish more people would accept Lex and Lana and not despise it so. But hey, it's not your problem if you don't like it, right? And really, all I can do is just do what I can to spread the Lexana love and try not to let it get to me. On a more positive note, I am very grateful that at least one OTP is widely accepted and supported and full of awesomely crazed fangirls, heh.
And for those on my f-list who aren’t part of the SV fandom and have friended me before I started going SV crazy, you guys fucking rock!
xxuc_love, and others, you were there with me from the very beginning. I love you all. I’m sorry if I haven’t been commenting on your journal lately, but know that I am reading it. And I’m so sorry, you’re probably sick to death of me, being nothing but SV, ha ha. I’m also trying to get in the habit of talking more about other things as well. Because I swear, it’s not SV on the mind 24/7. No, really. *cough*
But anywho. Basically, I just want to say that I love you all. I would like to name names and tell you why I think you're great, but perhaps another time. I just wanted to get this out for now. Thank you all for being so welcoming when I was first introduced to the SV fandom. I seriously don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hard or had as much fun as I had with you guys with your clever thoughts and fics and art. You guys are the best crazy fangirls ever!
Erm. So I should probably end this before I can’t shut up. So yeah. That’s it. This probably sounds like it all came from nowhere. But I just wanted to say these things. I love you guys! Thanks for all the things you have done for me in the past without asking for anything in return. Thank you for those who have been there for me when I’ve been down. And just… thank you for being my friends. Being home schooled, things can get pretty lonely, and you guys really to keep me company. *BIG SQUEEZING HUG*
I just hope to God this doesn’t all sound cheesy as hell. *runs off*