
Jan 23, 2005 11:07

This is VERY important. It concerns every single one of you.Please read it.

Dear Every Single Person i Know,

Where do I start?
Most of you don't know me. I mean you know about me and you see me a lot and you read my livejournal but you don't know me know me. And I don't know any of you. That's the way life is,every one is there own person.
But there are some things you guys should know about me.
I'm not a mean person. I really try not to be. I'm actually a very optimistic person who just gets easily depressed. But I am an optimistic person and I hate being mean to people because everytime I do it , it makes me more and more mad at myself. I love the feeling of doing something good, something that feels right, being nice and generous. So throughout livejournal chaos I've done a lot of fuck ups because I get easily annoyed by people.
So I'm going to appologize in general. I'm gonna realize what I've done. I'm not doing it for you guys as much but more for me because with all the shit I've said to people it's made me feel even more shitty and I know I have to do something about it, as nerdy as this is.
So these are the people I did or might have hurt before on livejournal:
•Chloe (in an indirect way)
There are probably more but that's what came up to mind.So I have every single reason for why I could have been mad at these people and why I shouldnt have been.
Lea. You probably won't read this, you might. So as I said I'm not the type of person who trys to get in fights. In fact the only times I have were on livejournal. I agree that i've been a bitch to you before but it goes both ways. I'm trying to be mature enough to deal with my anger. I hardly even know you so it amazes me how mad I can get at you. And since I hardly know you I never get to angry beccause I just can't judge you when I don't know you. When I get pissed at you it's for your exterior attitude to things. That part pisses me off. I'm sure you have ggod intentions in the inside, I'm just talking about the side of you I see at school and on livejournal. Nevertheless know that I should have never started a fight. We never were friends in the first place so it's not like making up but I'll stop bothering your life.It's stupid.sorry-
Melanie. I'm not sure if it's you but according to what Lea said I am the mysterious one spreading mean anonymous comments. Know that I'm not. I've done a few just like the rest of us have all done once or twice in our lives. If I've ever said any shit to you I didn't mean it. I'm just letting out my anger on the first person I lay my eyes on. So sorry if I've ever done anything mean.
Tessa. I don't know if I've ever done anything mean to you but it's possible. It might have been Roxanne. Actually now that I think of it I know I haven't done anything mean to you cause you're sweet and not annoying like so many other people. But if not, if I've ever done anything mean to you same thing I was probably just trying to find someone innocent to let out my meanness on.Sorry if I ever did.
Lucca. This doesn't really have anything to do with livejournal it's more realityish. Eva and Iw ere such bitches to you for that little period of time. You so didn't deserver it. We just kinda got mad all of a sudden for no reason. You would just annoy us. I realized that it was stupid cause you're actually a really cool guy. So if i ever do anything fucked up like that know that it's just me pmsing.I'm not mean I'm just picking on you cause I have no life.No i love you lucca I should never be a bitch to you.Sorry.
Coco.Wow I dont even know if i was ever mean to you. I will definetly admit that I dont know almost anything about you. I know the sweet coco that's really nice to me at school and who laughs and is nice. I have no clue who you really are. You could be an amazing great person and you could be a coldhearted bitch.I really dont know.All I've heard fro is from other people.But whatever I'm still sorry if I've ever done anything mean.
Chloe. I don't know if you've notcied this and if you haven't then this is pointless.but I've been wierd about you recently. You've been such an amazing friend and I haven't even gone to your house in so long and you started hanging out with someone I considered my best friend,became amazing friends with her and I just kinda freaked out. I felt as if I was loosing two friends for the price of one. Now I'm pretty cool with it. I will admit that I sometimes get jealous. I miss old times with you guys. You've probably never thought about me being envious but it's true. You guys seem so happy and I miss those times with both of you.But I'm sorry anyway.

In this really long entry I'm saying sorry to anyone and everyone not just these people. I am not person. Think what you want. Anger to me is letting out personal angst on other people. If youo could just understand then that means that it's my fault when I get mad at people.It's stupid but its true. Nobody knows me. You can see my face all day and I'll see yours. But all we see in these faces are masks. They're neutral masks that we mold with our own hands. We wear them all day. Some people are princesses under their masks some people are monsters but nobody knows. But sometimes we find one person who you're not afraid to take off your mask in front of them. They see the true you, they see your soul.And that's what friendship is to me. It's finding that one person who does not look at you mask but your soul.


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