(no subject)

Dec 20, 2004 20:01

- name: Julia
- Straight/Gay/Bi? Straight
- Single? Yeah.
- Want to be? I guess?
- Your birth date: 2-22-89
- Your age: 15
- Age you act: 15 ?
- Age you wish you were: 18
- Your height: 5'8"
- The color of your eyes: Blue
- Happy with it? Yeah.
- The color of your hair: Brown.
- Happy with it? Yes.
- Left/right/ambidextrous? Right.
- goofy/regular footed? What?
- Your living arrangement? Parents
- Have any pets? 3 kitties.
- What's your job? Student.
- Piercing? Ears
- Tattoos? No.
- Addictions? Food, Excitement ( according to my father. )
- Do you speak another language? Half-assed Spanish.
- Have a favorite quote? n/a
- Do you have a web page? No.

- Do you live in the moment? I think so.
- Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Sometimes.
- Do you have any secrets? Not great ones.
- Do you hate yourself? No.
- Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes.
- Do you have any bad habits? I eat alot. I've been told i'm co-dependant.
- What is the compliment you get most from people? " I love your style ! " or " You're so unique ! "
- If a movie were made about your life, what would it be called? ' Julia Bird ' would be most appropriate.
- What's your biggest fear? Zombies , scary movie plots.
- Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? Most likely.
- Are you a loner? I'm not all that sure. I don't think someone could answer that about themselves.
- What are your no. 1 priorities in life? Doing what i want.
- If you were another person, would you be friends with you? No.
- Are you a daredevil? Not really.
- Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? Yeah.
- Are you passive or aggressive? Passive.
- Have you got a journal? Yes.
- Do you think you are emotionally strong? Yeah.
- Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? I'm not all that sure.
- What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? I don't know.
- What do you like the most about your body? Hahah.
- Do you think you are good looking? Not really.
- Are you confident? My mom says I am.
- What is the fictional character you're most like? n/a
- Do people know how you feel? Sometimes.
- Are you perceived wrongly? 99.9 % of the time, yes.

- Smoke? Gross. No.
- Do drugs? No.
- Read the newspaper? Yeah.
- Pray? Yes.
- Go to church? No.
- Talk to strangers who IM you? Not usually.
- Sleep with stuffed animals? Yes.
- Take walks in the rain? In the spring.
- Talk to people even though you hate them? Yeah, all the time.
- Drive? No.
- Like to drive fast? n/a

- Liked your voice? Yes.
- Hurt yourself? Yeah, sure.
- Been out of the country? No.
- Eaten something that made other people sick? Yeah, most likely.
- Had sex? Nope.
- Been unfaithful? Most likely.
- Been in love? No.
- Gone skinny-dipping? Yeah.
- Had a medical emergency? No.
- Had a surgery? No.
- Ran away from home? When i was little i ran away to the next door neighbor's house all the time.
- Played strip poker? No.
- Gotten beaten up? Yeah, in 6th grade.
- Beaten someone up? No.
- Been picked on? Yeah. They called me ' Helga the Hippo ' and ' Birtha break a swing ' in kindergarten. I was fat.
- Been on stage? Yes.
- Slept outdoors? Yeah
- Thought about suicide? Hah. Who hasn't ?
- Pulled an all-nighter? Yeah.
- Gone one day without food? I doubt it.
- Talked on the phone all night? No.
- Slept all day? Yeah.
- Made out with a stranger? No.
- Had sex with a stranger? Gross, no.
- Thought you're going crazy? Yeah, sure.
- Kissed the same sex? Yeah.
- Been betrayed? I guess.
- Broken the law? Yeah.
- Have you ever killed an animal by accident? I killed a baby bird once by accident.
- On purpose? Only bugs.
- Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Most likely
- Stolen anything? HAH. Yeah. Sunglasses & shoes mainly.
- Been on radio/TV? Yeah.
- Been in a mosh-pit? I've watched them?
- Had a nervous breakdown? Yeah, when i was homeschooled in 8th grade.
- Current shoe brand? Converse
- Cologne/perfume? Gross. Perfume is gross.
- Wear hats? When it's really cold.
- Judge other people by their clothing? Sure.
- Wear make-up? Sometimes
- Favorite place to shop? Goodwill / Thrift Stores
- Favorite article of clothing? My unicorn shirt. Maybe my new sweater my mom gave me.
- Are you trendy? If i said 'no' i'd be trendy.
- Would you rather wear a uniform to school? No.

- Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? I think.
- Who is your best friend? Jenni? KatieLizzieandSarah? Kyle?
-Who's the one person that knows most about you? Jenni? Kyle? KatieLizzieandSarah?
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you- Don't ask boys to buy you alot of stuff?

- Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? Hahah no.
- Do you remember your first love? Yeah.
- Still love him/her? Not really.
- Do you consider love a mistake? Sometimes.
- What do you find romantic? n/a
- Turn-on? Beards
- Turn-off? Spiked hair
- If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? Flattered, i guess.
- Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Hah, story of my life.
- Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? God no.
- What is best about the opposite sex? They aren't girls.
- What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? I don't know.
- Do you read porn? Grossss !! No.
- What's the last present someone gave you? Jarred sent me a shirt in the mail a few months ago. I think that's it.
- Are you in love? I don't think so.
- What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk? Stare at them.

- You wanted to kill? One of my parents, maybe.
-That laughed at you? My dad
- That turned you on? The boy in the movie i watched the other night i think.
- You went shopping with? My mom
- That broke your heart? I'm not telling that.
- To disappoint you? Everyone.
- To make you cry? I'm not telling that one either.
- To brighten up your day? Jenni does alot. Sarah does sometimes. Louis did today.
- That you thought about? It's a secret.
- You talked to on the phone? Oh my god. My mom i think.
- You talked to? Jenni ?
- You saw? My mom
- You lost? I'm not sure.
- You wanted to be? No one.
- You told to fuck off? No one.

- Smiled? When the pizza came.
- Laughed? At my dads, most likely.
- Cried? When my mom told me to go upstairs.
- Danced? This afternoon
- Were sarcastic? I don't know/
- Kissed someone? Like a million years ago?
- Had a nightmare? Last night.
- Talked on the phone? Like really talked on the phone? Like a year ago.
- Listened to the radio? Neveeeer
- Watched TV? During pizza eating
- Went out? I don't know.
- Were mean? I don't know.
- Sang? All the time.
- Saw a movie? A few weeks ago?
- Said, "I Love You"? Last night.
- Missed someone? Alwaysssssss
- Fought with a family member? Today maybe?
- Had a serious conversation? Just now i guess.
- Smoked weed? Gross never !
- Got drunk? Gross neverrrr !

i'm happy and unhappy all at the same time. i miss people and i'm sick of them too. it's weird. i'm so bored but i don't think i could stand to go out and do anything either.
my dad loves the moldy peaches, btw. he has for awhile now, i just think it's cool.
i watched harry potter last night at like 4 in the morning.
i'm sick of this stupid layout but i don't want to change it untill christmas is over. i might change it tonight anyways though. stupid trees.

what am i doing?
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