Jun 19, 2007 10:08
Okay, so. School is over, exams suck. Enough on that. The title pretty much summarizes this entry.
My parents were out of town for the past week pretty much, first in Boston and then visiting my brother for his convocation in San Diego. (He has his Masters!! Wow!)
So this meant unlimited awesomeness, which basically equated to every second I wasn't studying, hanging out, watching movies, eating ridiculous amounts of microwaved popcorn, making delicious dinners and occasionally getting lazy and going to the grand opening of the Callingwood 'newly renovated' Safeway and making a meal out of sampling all the free food. With Karene and Christie. Sleepovers. Then Christie left, and Karene stayed. Then Karene left and Christie stayed. She's been to her house once since Thursday. I love it.
So last night after my bio exam, we made a great dinner and (of course) microwaved popcorn. Then we went to my basement and set up her gamecube and played video games for an hour. Then I wanted to keep playing, and she went upstairs and made cookies. I joined her shortly. And we ate. And watched the thunderstorm and went for a walk. And then played more gamecube.
Seriously, who needs a boyfriend when your best friend is pretty much everything you need? (including the masculine elements like videogame savvyness and the like? She actually took a gender identity test, which said she was 85% masculine. "Are you kidding? I would drive around until my death before pulling over for directions.")
So basically, (I just realized I've already started 2 othe paragraphs with 'so'. Le sigh.) I am going to miss her more than my family when I go to live in the Czech next year. Which will be amazing and excellent and inspirational and a great experience and all that, but still. Must make the most of time now.
Jules' grad is Thursday. >.< At the time it seemed an okay idea to be his date, but he is making a bit too big of a deal about it which is making me a bit worried. I just want to go, stay, dance a bit, and go home. That's not going to happen. I also want him to have as good a time as I had at my grad, and I know it will be my fault if I wreck it for him because of my lack of enthusiasm. I'll do my best to make it a good time.
My birthday is Friday. Hm. Interesting. I am completely unsuspecting of any plans my friends might have. Really. I am not at all interested in the facebook event 'Loie's Surprise Birthday'. Uh-huh.