Dec 04, 2006 23:38
So, having roughly finished my AutoCAD plans, sections and an elevation by 11 AM today, I am still trying to properly print on my darn vellum sheets. I'm out of extras and have gotten to the point so that I am cutting sheets from someone else's 24" wide roll. Grrr. I have tried to be so efficient this weekend, to use every second and just sleep outside of studio, hardly eat, etc and I'm still feeling screwed by life, or by plotters that is.
Now that all the staff are gone and I know what to do it's less stressful b/c I'm just making things easier. It's going to take more paper but I can cut things down after or something.
AHHH! :-0 Life.
I have taken 3 hours for myself and not my work today. I felt guilty for sleeping in til 8:30. This is still almost three weeks before finals. I sense continued problems, or continued no life or both.
so call me, esp. on the 12th cause it's my b'day - w00t!