Feb 14, 2012 20:45
Wow it's been a while. Bullet list by dates !
31 Jan. Went to Neurologist got migraines diagnosed and on a treatment plan. Bonus, went back on proprananol to also control the crazy BP, er blood pressure I was having. The month of illness (aka January) played havoc on my blood sugar, but hopefully that is realigning to better.
27 Jan. After lunch got cancelled because an Investigator got rearended (no damage to unmarked car, sore neck that is fine now), I had to go get lunch since I was visiting LI. And on the return to old work, I GOT REAR-ENDED. Little damage to rear bumper and no injury to me since it was a wicked slow speed. SHIT I need to call the insurance company back.
31 Jan - 4 Feb. Plague #2. Stayed home Friday the 3rd. Wished I could 1 & 2 Feb too, but work has been hellacious because instead of priorities of OMG DUE YESTERDAY, it's been OMG DUE 3 DAYS AGO and oh by the way? All that work, well, thanks, but go kick rocks cause we don't like it.
Seriously, work has been worse than normal. Not helped by the fact that the tiny glimmer of hope that was viciously snuffed out when old work didn't get approval to hire an attorney even though they are down one and are way overloaded... so I am stuck in current hell.
Good news: 2 Friends from old work are preggers with Kid #2... and both due in August! HAHA.
Awesome news: Friend from old work who was due 16 Feb had her baby, a boy, on 9 Feb. AT HOME. Because she decided to take a nap after her water broke and then they waited until it was too late and so Hubby had to deliver the kid... with EMTs.
Parents are down in Georgia and having fun.
No snow. I figure end of March we'll get killed with all the snow we didn't get this "winter".
I pretty much don't do much other than survive work and go home and sleep to go to the gym.
Other news: I have given up the Crack. It was time to upgrade and it costs ridiculous to upgrade to a newer Crackberry. And Droids are crazy expensive. And so I followed twin and got the OLD iPhone 4 (not 4s with Suri). Still need to learn to type on it. But I am liking it.
And lastly, thanks [Bad username: <"sabaceanbabe"] for the Glass Heart. :-)