Jun 15, 2011 20:50
Comment with "bring it on!" and:
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions (but only if you want to).
1. So what is it with you and Boston, anyway? You said it's an old grudge, but you didn't explain it.
Hockey was always a college thing growing up... Union was horrible, but it was always an awesome game... and the crowds were wicked loud. Then High school came and we began watching NHL on tv and the Rangers became our tv... BUT our friend who played hockey was a huge Boston fan, so it became the war of teams. He left sophomore to play hockey for a great private school and we went to some games over the rest of high school. But the rivalry of Rangers Bruins never ended.
I had to use this icon for Kesler... on Van! hahaha
2. If life allowed do-overs, what would be the first thing you'd pick?
Honestly? I can't think of anything "real". I mean I could go back and not total my Saturn... but I do love my elantra and the hell of the dealer made me see what I should be doing at a car dealer. There aren't any major life changes I'd make... after all it's made me who I am and I like who I am. There are too many things I'd miss to go back and change anything. Like the Doctor, one can't go back and change anything without affecting everything. He couldn't go back and stop the War and Rose couldn't go back and change the her da's death.
3. What is the weirdest thing someone has asked you to do, and you thought... "Okay!"
I have no idea. I suck at remembering anything.
4. Parker, Hardison, Eliot, Sophie or Nate... whose skills would you rather have, and why? The kicker being that the flaws also come in the package. Does the kicker change your mind?
This one is HARD damn it. I love Elliot's kick ass abilities... but always being beaten up? That gets old fast. I don't think I could handle being Sophie... too many lies to keep up and all the make up and stuff. Nate's ability to work out so much is AWESOME... and yet the drunkenness and lost child... I am not sure that's something I could handle. Parker is just stellar and Hardison's skill with a computer is fantastic. Either of these 2, I'd like to be and the flaws don't change my mind for them.
5. If you had to completely reinvent yourself, what name would you pick and what would you do for a living?
I'd want a name that's unique for a first name and for the last, I'd want something short. As for what to do... obviously I couldn't do anything law related. I think I'd like to do something with the military as that's always been a passion. But I also like enviro stuff. Maybe environmental education/morale & rec on a base somewhere.
Mackenzie Archer works for me! :-)