Nov 08, 2010 19:49
1) I feel like crap... I am coughing so much by the end of the day my head is pounding and I just generally feel like crap cause of all the coughing. And I swear, I will shoot someone if this turns out to be whooping cough! I was vaccinated as a baby, had it in high school and WILL NOT BE PLEASED if I have it again. I went to the doctor today and started antibiotics... if I still have the cough next monday I have to go back and then I will ask for a blood test for the whooping cough.
2) It snowed/sleeted/rained/frozen rained this morning! (ON my way to the gym... then it was rain and then nothing) SNOW.
3) I am so f-ing tired of the OMG LAYOFFS. YES. I am #1 with a bullet if an attorney position in the regions is targeted. But, the person bumping me would have to move to Long Island... which can be questionable. But I sick of the freaking out and everything. Things are moving towards those effected being told and some divisions are finding out while others are not and things are in the paper upstate (where Central Office is) before we get emails... And all I can say, is until I get official notice on Dec 10th that my position is actually targeted, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE GOSSIP AND SPECULATION. Jesus. Like I need the hysteria!
4) I made chilli tonight and it was YUMMY.
5) Castle should move to 9 pm. 10 pm is so late.
6) I got off my arse and went to the gym today even though it was my pass day! I also got a ton of errands done. Sadly Target did not have the humidifier I wanted.... my office is deadly dry.
7) Apparently the gerry-rigged $17,000 part wasn't gerry-rigged right or whatever... cause the building has absolutely no heat and are back to having a generator. Or something else happened... who knows. I just know via emails that we have no heat and for a while the elevators were off limits. Joyous. This is, though, infinitely better than the 85 degree office I had last week.
8) I should have done dishes earlier... but whatever... tomorrow.
9) OOOOOoooooo. My new bras from VS come tomorrow! w00t!!