Apr 05, 2010 19:40
So, Spring has definitely SPRUNG. Seriously, beautiful weather today... not that I was really outside, but still.
Also? DUMBEST ROBIN found outside my work window. He either knocked himself out or learned that my MIRRORED window was just his own reflection he kept flying into. FOR FORTY-FIVE MINUTES. A friend was like "put a piece of paper up to kill the mirroredness." My response? "Can't paper my WHOLE window! He was flying into it all over!"
And since spring has sprung, my office is up to 80F. Between the glass radiating heat and the heat coming from the TURNED OFF heater, my office will kill me. Seriously if you don't hear from me for a while, it's cause I passed out from the heat.
I think this summer, if I can swing it, I want to get A) a new computer that isn't this POS Sony cause I have to call for a THIRD service call because I got a new battery and it's still freaking out with it in, B) a bike, and C) a compound bow. I miss shooting.
Plus I have the compressed pay period, so I get every other Monday off! (Next Monday, the 12th is my first Monday off!)